
Parish Room was built in 1912 and has served
as a reading room, men's club and venue for
meetings such as this whist drive in March
1935, and village celebrations.

The Mothers’
Union AGM of 1936.

This report is from September 1950.

In 1918, Noel Byam Grounds, owner of Hoe
Hall, gave the plot of land shown here
in red to the church for an extension to
the burial ground. The Parish Room is
the little white rectangle in the
corner. Grounds was an officer in the
army, resident in London.
[Courtesy of Norfolk Record
Office CSP 21/10]

Staff from Breckland District Council on
a team-building exercise in 2010 cleaned
and redecorated the room in a day.

The first exhibition of the Hoe &
Worthing Archive in the Parish Room,

In 2013, with a grant of money from
Norfolk County Council, an extension was
added to the Parish Room including a
kitchen, lavatories and a paved area
outside. This was the first improvement
to the Room since Major & Mrs
Wormald had generously paid for what was
described as an 'inner-room', in 1935.

An overgrown area of the churchyard was

Getting concrete onto the site was


The drainage tank before it was buried.

Old and new

The new kitchen.

In March 2014 soldiers from the Light
Dragoons based at Swanton Morley
generously volunteered to help with the
landscaping following the building of
the extension.