The house
farmyard & malthouse
Norton family
A postcard of Hoe
The Bylaugh
The gravel
Mr &
Mrs WIlliam Lown
Mains water
Manor Farm Cottages

The farmhouse in 2011. Behind
the brick is a very old timber-framed
building. Manor Farm belonged to the Bylaugh
estate and the porch, double-flue chimneys
and chamfered window frames are all
characteristic of the work done by Norwich
architect Thomas Jeckyll who was employed to
improve farmhouses and farm buildings on the
estate in the 1870s.
In 1693 the Manor of Hoe Harfords alias
Colvilles was conveyed from William and
Elizabeth Frith to Daniel Farrington. The land is
itemised in the conveyance and is situated to the
west of the Dereham-to-Holt road in the area
known as Stanton Heath. Also described is a
'Freehold Dwelling House'. The manor was later
acquired by the Lombe family who owned
it at the time of the Inclosure. At the sale of
the Lombe's
Bylaugh estate, some of the same land was
parcelled with Manor Farm, making it possible that
the following description in the 1693
conveyance relates to
Manor Farm and tells us what the house was
like then.

And also one Freehold Dwelling house
in Hoe afsd. Containing in Length from the north
to the south on the east side thereof 33 ffeet
or thereabouts & on the west side thereof
together with the scullery built at the North
End thereof 38 ffeet 9 inches or thereabouts
& in breadth 21 ffeet or thereabouts
Containg One Low room called the Little Parlour
with a chimney in it One other low room with a
chimney in it called the Kitchen one other Low
Room being the scullery One wainscott Room and
closett called the Kitchen Chamber & Closett
over the afsd Parlour Kitchen & Scullery and
Two High Loft Chambers and one High Loft Closett
over the same Kitchen Chamber &
of Norfolk Record Office EVL361/31/9]
The farmyard and malthouse

On the Enclosure map of 1814, the old
course of the road is shown, running through
what is now the farmyard. The farmhouse
is shown in pink and the long
grey building next to plot 20 is described
as a Malt Office. The large field to the
right is called Malthouse Piece in the Tithe
Assessment (1847). Breweries and malthouses
were called 'offices' in contemporary
advertisements. Another 'Malt Office' is
marked at Hoe Lodge on this same map.
[Courtesy of Norfolk Record Office

The tithe
map surveyed in 1847 shows the road's present
route as well as the path of the railway then
being built (in pink), splitting Malthouse Piece
in two. The Tithe Assessment describes Plot 51
as 'Farmhouse Yards Gardens etc', making no reference
to the
malthouse building, which has been reduced; malting had ceased, presumably. The
pond with its sluice and outlet, tailing off to
the left to join the Wendling Beck, is another development made since
1814. See the Turbine lower down this
of Norfolk Record Office BR 276/1/119]
The Norton family

1851, Samuel Norton was the farmer, having 400
acres and employing sixteen labourers and four

Norton died in 1855. His widow Maria continued
at the farm, describing herself as a 'landed
proprietor' in 1861.

Their son Samuel junior, meanwhile, was living
somewhere near the church whilst running Manor
Farm, taking on the
of Hoe Hall Farm when Thomas Byam
Grounds stopped farming it himself.

In 1880, the farm stock,
live and dead,
was sold by 'the Trustees
of Mr. S.J.
Norton'. Samuel's will
provided for his
wife Maria to live on at
the farm after
his death (in 1855), so
perhaps this
sale was necessitated by
her own
death. The newspaper
describes a well-equipped
Samuel (jr), his wife
Emily and two
adult children were
living at Spring
Farm in 1901.
Norfolk Chronicle
25th September 1880

Hazel Fazzani (née Norton) whose
ancestors lived
at Manor Farm,
with her son the
Rev Keith
Fazzani, outside
Hoe Church 2012.
A postcard of Hoe

lovely postcard shows Manor Farmhouse, the
stackyard, and stables beyond. It looks as
if the stacks are in the process of being
built just after harvest with a laden
wagon waiting to be emptied. The roads are
not yet tarmaced. The card was posted on
30th August 1915 to London by Vernon
Gladden, aged eleven, who was staying with
relatives at the Angel pub just up the
So far, this is the only postcard of Hoe
that has come to light. The car is a
Humberette. J. J. Wrights, in Dereham,
were Humber agents, as well as selling
other makes including Quadcycle, one of
which is thought to have been the first
car owned in Hoe.
Bylaugh sale
Sir John Lombe (1731-1817) was
Lord of the Manor, lived at Great Melton Hall
and owned a very large estate, later centred
on Bylaugh Hall, including Manor Farm in Hoe
and Home Farm in Worthing.
1917 when the Bylaugh estate was sold, the
catalogue contained the following description:
‘It is rarely that an estate is met with, upon
which the houses and buildings are of so
universally an excellent and spacious a
character. They are not of piecemeal
construction, but each set has been designed
and built as a whole and is complete with its
enclosed yards, sheltered and open to the
South, its stalls and feeding passages, and
all implement and cart lodges open to the
Manor Farm consisted then of 466 acres and
four cottages as well as the large barn at Hoe
Brick Kiln. At the auction it was withdrawn at
£5,500 but sold later to the tenant, Henry
Walter Fox. In the 1911 census Fox was the
tenant. He was 37 years old and from Beetley.
His wife Edith, from Dereham, was 29 and they
had two young children, Dorothy, 2 years, and
Edith, 9 months, both born in Hoe.
The gravel pit
Just to the north-west of Manor Farm house a
field was already being dug for gravel in
1917, when the ‘approximate royalty from
working … is £45 per annum’. In the 1946 RAF
aerial photo below, the extent of the quarry
can be seen – it eventually took in almost the
whole of the striped field (called Hill Close
on earlier maps).

[Copyright Norfolk
County Council; photo by RAF 31 January
is a description of the pit in 'The
Geology of the Country around East
Dereham' in the Memoirs of the
Geological Society published in
–– A fine section, in a large gravel-pit
on the northern side of the little
valley, and west of the railway, nearly
three quarters of a mile W.N.W. of the
church, showed 21 feet of coarse, well
rounded flint-gravel, continuous with,
and clearly of the age of, that which
overlies the Boulder Clay on the eastern
side of the railway-cutting, itself
excavated through the gravel. On the eastern side
of the railway the gravel
becomes less and less thick,
until the Boulder Clay comes
up to the surface. The
gravel in the pit consisted
of flints, mostly from 4 to
11 inches in diameter,
thickly massed together in a
matrix of reddish-brown sand
containing some smaller
flints. A few lenticular
patches of stratified reddish-brown
sand occurred
in places,
also six or
seven more or
horizontal but
lines of black
but the whole
mass presented
Frederick Baker
The farm was
bought by Frederick Baker in 1920 and
following his death by Peter
and Alice Gow who lived
there from 1945.
The turbine
large pond at Manor Farm can be seen on
the maps above. The head of water was used
to power a horizontal turbine installed
near the adjacent barns, driving grinding
and chaff cutting machinery inside the
Mr & Mrs William Lown
Mr William Lown, farm
steward, 1946.

Mrs Emily Lown in the
garden of Manor Farm
cottages, 1946.
Herbert Jarvis
Herbert Jarvis hedging at
Manor Farm, 1954.
Mains water

1969 brought piped water
champagne to Manor Farm.
Manor Farm

Aerial view of
Manor Farm
Barkers Lane,
in the dry
summer of
1976. Stanley
grew from a
hobby to a
business on
Swanton Road,
Dereham. Sonny
and Doris
Brown's very
garden was
next door. The
kitchen garden
at the right
was Mrs Gow's
(Manor Farm).
Shown as three
cottages on
the Ordnance
Survey 25"
sheet of 1882,
it is probable
that the
building is
the same as
the 'Town
depicted on
the 1773
estate map of
Grounds. See Village
page http://www.hoeandworthingarchive.org.uk/village.html
Town House.

The roadside end
of Manor Farm cottages.
The changes in
suggest that
they were
single storey
with a steeply
pitched roof,
thatched, and
with a small
window in the
gable lighting
an attic.

In 2021,
following the
death of Sonny
Brown, the
cottage was
repaired and

Mod cons at
Manor Farm
cottages. They
probably date
from the 1870s
when the
Bylaugh estate
renovated its
farms. There
would have
been a central
serving both
wash houses
(visible in
the photo of
William Lown,
above). The
outer doors
are to the
closets – a
small brick
archway is
visible at the
corner at
ground level,
provided to
enable the
earth closets
to be emptied.